DBA (Database Adventurer)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


So I’m here in Sunnyless Jacksonville, Florida and woke up to the news that Tropical Storm Tammy might come ashore today, maybe tomorrow. All day it rained and I was in meetings, but when the workday ended, so did the rain – temporarily. The sun same out and I was determined to collect some sea shells from the sea shore for the boys back home.

When I got to the beach (Atlantic side), there was much ado about Tammy.

Although the picture doesn’t show much, these waves were really swelling and breaking harder then I’ve ever seen in real life.

But the rain was pretty light and surprisingly warm, so I stepped out onto the grey sand to carefully harvest some nice unbroken shells. I even ventured out to the water’s edge conspicuously dressed in black shoes, black pinstriped pants and a blue long sleeved shirt. Yep, just me, the TV crew and surfers - lots of surfers.


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