DBA (Database Adventurer)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Inside Joke

Lisa took Ian, Trevor and Myles to see the new Wallace and Gromit movie today on their last day of Fall Break. Our family are big fans of Nick Park's animations. We own a couple of Wallace and Gromit short films and have practically worn out the Chicken Run DVD. When I came home from work, the dinner time conversation was mostly about the movie - everyone had a great time.

Fast forward a couple of hours, Ian and I are at a Cub Scout meeting and tonight's activities are learning about the American Flag, proper handling of it, the history behind it and a few hoists up and down the flag pole (the flag, not the kids). When their Den Leader was explaining how to attach the flag to the latches on the rope, he said "...and these brass holes, boys, on the side of the flag are called "GROMETS". Ian instantly caught my eye and we both stared at each other for a few seconds with a silly smirk on our faces fighting back the giggles. Such fun.


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