DBA (Database Adventurer)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Most Important Meal of The Day

I had to be in the office bright and early this morning for a meeting, so I didn't have time to make or grab any breakfast. Boy, am I feeling it right now! To be honest, I think the lack of coffee is mostly contributing my feeling of malcontent. To add insult to injury, the snack machine's ability to accept dollar bills is broken - AAArrrggghhh! OK, now I'm about to go over the edge, but I have another meeting in 10 minutes - no time to go anywhere. Better grab a nasty cup of joe from the break room that might get me through until lunch which, thankfully, is early today.

Lesson: Eat your Wheaties!!!


At 2:06 PM, Blogger dljordan said...

I know the feeling. I always have to have breakfast. I don't know how people who don't make it through the day.


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