More of Google Blog Search
Robert Scoble has been playing with Google Blog Search today. You can read his adventures here, here and here. Scoble is thoroughly impressed. OK Dude, I'll bite. A search for yours truly, Stuart Cowen, sorted by date is super fast and pulls up the very latest post 32 minutes ago. "Casting my Net" yields the same results and a few othr blogs that have linked to me. But wait, I use Blogger; I'm on Google's servers. OK, let's try somebody else - um, has something pretty fresh (about 5 hours ago). Yup, Google pull that up too. HOWEVER, a Google blog search still looks like a Google search; pretty blah. Or is that the point - "Just the facts, Ma'am"? It just seems to me like Technorati has made blog searching more fun and more like a community with a few more options. I'll throw my hat down for you to add your 2 cents.
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