DBA (Database Adventurer)

Sunday, November 06, 2005

You're Wrong, Brandon...

... The McRib IS Greatness!!

I haven't ever disagreed with my Pastor before, but today, in a well-executed illustration while delivering a powerful message on the subject of Temptation, he put forth the "I don't get it" declaration about one of my beloved sandwiches of all time. Don't worry Brandon, my wife doesn't get it either, however I feel confident that you're both in the minority. :)



At 7:06 AM, Blogger Rob. said...

Stuart .... I for one am tempted by the McRib ...especially as I am struggling to make my target weight this week :-)


At 10:06 PM, Blogger Steve said...

Stuart--I would be so tempted if I wasn't so acutely aware that those aren't ribs... At least with the nuggets, you suspend disbelief and think they could actually have come from somewhere on the chicken. The McRib is meat satire...

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Brian said...

Stu, You are crazy!!! Here is a cool link on the McRIB. BTW, i am super tempted by mouth is watering.

At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am compelled to defend myself. in the context of my talk, i was comparing the mcrib to 'aficionado steak' like bob's, papas, or del friscos. the mcrib is not food for humans... it more resembles something i would feed a great dane... a rabid dane. if you are this decieved, then maybe they are putting an addictive chemical in it that makes you crave for it nightly?

At 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this "ribbing" - poor Stuco! In his defense - he has yet to succumb to this temptation - peer pressure works - keep it up, guys -we are NOT in the minority :) Don't give in to the urge, baby - I'll meet you for lunch - the Keg? Now there's a reputable establishment :)!:) Love you!

At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

stick with mrs. stuco!!!


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