DBA (Database Adventurer)

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


YIKES! I recently looked on my Blogger posting page and noticed how many posts I had partially drafted and not yet posted - it's pushing 20. When an idea for a topic comes to mind, I quickly capture it in Blogger so that I can expound, polish and publish later. The trouble is that my draft-to-publish ratio is about 6-to-2.

What about you - how many unfinished posts do you have? As you look over you list, do they have the same sparkle as when you first penned them? Do they seem silly after sitting for a few days? Dull or dumb, the beauty of a blog is it simply doesn't matter! All of our unfinished efforts have the potential to help, encourage or inspire somebody to greatness IF we can only release them.

Years ago, I heard Zig Ziglar quote Oliver Wendell Holmes in an audio book. He said, "Most of us go to our grave with our music still inside us." I'm going to find some time soon to cleanup my outbox. Thanks to The King's eHighway for the exact quote.


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