DBA (Database Adventurer)

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year

I probably won't have the opportunity to write another post today, so to everyone who has visited Casting My Net since I started it 186 entries ago and to those who have made it a part of your regular online reading - Happy New Year and God's Richest Blessings to You in 2006!

Some good things are lined up in the next few weeks as I make some adjustments to my online journaling habits. As I told myself at the end of 2004, 2005 was going to be the Year of the Blog and I've had fun (lots of fun) exploring the blogosphere, meeting many folks who share my interests and developing cool friendships. In 2006, I hope to make blogging a more useful tool in my life online and offline.

So however you ring in the New Year, be safe and I'll talk to you next year...


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