DBA (Database Adventurer)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas to our 3-Year Old

Watching all three of our boys grow from babies to toddlers and then into little men, It's amazing to see how quickly the world comes together in their heads. So at three-and-a-half, Myles has fully grasped the concept of Christmas, but it's the combination of innocent wisdom with a raw eloquence that makes kids say the darndest things. For example:
"Bethlehem" becomes "Buffalo Ham"
"Feliz Navidad" translates to "Felee Smelly-Dad"
We have explained and corrected the pronunciation of Jesus' birthplace, but I'm afraid the whole "Smelly Dad" thing might be around for years to come. With the whole family... and now, probably the entire extended family. Felee Smelly Dad, Y'all!!


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